Wednesday, May 18, 2011

World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets

World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011
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  • Simm0nS777
    Mar 18, 12:31 PM
    Peoples stupidity ITT is hilarious.

    I RARELY crack the 2GB level on my unlimited data plan. I usually tether about 2 days a week for a few hours. I work at a job with a ton of downtime. I spend that downtime browsing forums. If ATT takes away my tethering ability (no way in hell Im pay an extra $45 to tether) I will then have to spend that downtime watching netflix which is going to use A LOT more bandwidth than browsing forums on my laptop.

    So those of you not bright enough to realize that for many they will be using MORE data need to use that head of yours a little more.

    Its funny that in your guys minds that its better for someone to use 15GB a month watching netflix/streaming pandora etc. than it is for me to use 2GB tethering.


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  • 2011 Cricket World Cup : Games

  • ACED
    Mar 18, 04:15 PM
    Like, where's my credit for providing Macrumors with the link/story, about 8 hours ago???

    Guess that 'DRM' has been stripped....hmmm...the irony


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  • spicyapple
    Sep 20, 12:31 AM
    Woohoo a hard drive! :D

    I wasn't planning on buying CenterStage, but the DVR functionality(?) would make it very appealing.

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. World Cup tickets too expensive for most kids. World Cup tickets too expensive for most kids. 3:46. A portrait of a soccer loving boy in Soweto - with the
  • World Cup tickets too expensive for most kids. World Cup tickets too expensive for most kids. 3:46. A portrait of a soccer loving boy in Soweto - with the

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 16, 01:18 PM
    1/ Oil is relevant to electricity generation as we move forwards with more use of hybrids/electric vehicles. Using nuclear and renewables we have a chance to offset oil burning vehicles with non-fossil fuel power. Powering those electric vehicles off coal generated electricity limits their effectiveness.
    2/ Natural gas is big in the US. It's a direct byproduct of the oil industry and pollutes too.

    My point is that if you're talking about energy independence and importing, you're talking about oil. If you're talking about greening the portfolio (nuclear vs coal vs wind, etc), you're not talking about oil because hardly anybody burns oil anymore for electricity generation. Oil is used for fleet and equipment, but rarely burned to spin turbines anymore and has a very marginal role in the portfolio. Two different topics.

    Hybrids/EV's are a way to ween off oil dependence. Fivepoint is arguing that we should facilitate oil dependence by drilling more. I can't tell whether you agree with him or not. Also, EV's/Hybrids don't generate electricity, they consume it. And I don't get why you're using coal and oil interchangeably. Coal is used in power plants to generate electricity. Oil is used in vehicles for what can now be considered a substitute for electricity. Different roles.

    Natural Gas is a way to ween off both coal and oil dependence. One of the places you can find it is in oil beds, which is why the oil industry is involved. You can also find it on its own. But it has a much lower carbon footprint than coal and oil so it's a viable alternative for both electricity generation and vehicles.


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  • .Andy
    Apr 24, 10:32 PM
    And just to be clear, I DID NOT make a 35 on the ACT my Junior year of high school, and I am not on scholarship to a top 25 university.

    happy now? :cool:
    An intellectual heavy weight right here in Macrumors! Who would have thought it!

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. 2011 Cricket World Cup.
  • 2011 Cricket World Cup.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 24, 11:30 PM
    Well, only if you insist that yours is the ONLY What about the denominations that say "Here's what WE believe, but if someone believes something else, that's fine?"
    That depends on what "that's fine" means. I don't want to coerce anyone into believing what I believe. Others are welcome to argue for what they believe when they agree with me and when they disagree with me. If you know that I'm mistaken about something, I you to show me that I'm mistaken about it because after you do that, I'll replace my false belief with the corresponding truth that you proved. But if "that's fine" implies relativism about truth, that implication is not fine, because relativism about truth, or at least some versions of it, are self-contradictory and every self-contradiction is always false.

    Many atheists deny that God exists. Maybe they're right, but their denial implies that theism is either true or else false. If those atheists say that theism is nonsense, what do they mean by "nonsense?" If they mean that theism is neither true nor false, then they imply their denial is neither true nor false, since theism is the belief that at least one God exists, and "There is no God" is the denial of theism. By the law of the excluded middle, every proposition is either true or false, but not both.

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. Cricket World Cup 2011,
  • Cricket World Cup 2011,

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 27, 10:47 AM
    No, no, I know who that is! He wrote lots of scripture (unlike Jesus):

    Oh the day divides the night
    Night divides the day
    Try to run
    Try to hide
    Break on through to
    The other side

    And the verse that everyone would do well to heed,
    Show me the way to the next whiskey bar

    Heretic! That is not the image of your false prophet.

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. Cricket World Cup 2011,Tickets
  • Cricket World Cup 2011,Tickets

  • leomac08
    Mar 11, 01:22 AM
    Yeah that tsunami is massive. There were burning buildings floating on the surge as it rolled inland.

    Not good at all.

    Indeed, Tsunami of epic proportions

    Saw an airport completed flooded, but no planes!!!!

    My prayers go to Japan:(


    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. icc cricket world cup 2011
  • icc cricket world cup 2011

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 06:44 AM
    I would consider myself a hardcore gamer and I'm not ashamed of it. I went to PAX East the last 2 years and own all 3 home consoles plus a PSP, 3DS, DSi, iPhone and iPad. Gaming kept me away from all the drugs and alcohol that my friends were doing in high school. I'm almost 30 now and I'm married, have a good job, have a beautiful home and a beautiful wife, so lets not get stereotyped.

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 .
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 .

  • barkmonster
    Oct 7, 04:19 PM
    I emailed this to rob-art morgan on Saturday :

    I know the test was to find out how similarly clocked G4, Athlon and Pentium 4 chips perform but I was wondering if it was possible for you to test against the 2 fastest Intel and AMD chips ?

    The price of both a 2Ghz Pentium 4 and 1.6Ghz Athlon PC put's it in the same range as the entry level eMac and that's assuming the PC is built using high quality drives and components. This is true for the UK at least.

    I'd suggest the following systems, I don't know the details of motherboards or specific RAM configurations but going off cpu speed and the fastest availble RAM for the systems these 3 configurations would make for a fair "high end mac" vs "high end PC" comparison :

    Dual 1.25Ghz, stock HD, stock graphics card, 1Gb of 333Mhz DDR SDRAM, OS 10.2.1

    Athlon XP 2200+, 7200 rpm HD, same video card as the mac, 1Gb of 333Mhz DDR SDRAM, Windows XP Professional

    2.8Ghz Pentium 4, 7200 rpm HD, same video card as the mac, 1Gb of 533Mhz RDRAM, Windows XP Professional

    He responded with this :

    That's a great suggestion. I'll try to get that arranged.

    In the mean time, I'm working on a Pentium 4 2.53MHz + GeForce4 Ti 4600 versus G4 1.25GHz *2 + GeForce4 Ti (4600) comparo.

    I can just see the look of disappointment on everyone's faces when the dual 1.25Ghz mac is slapped silly by both windows systems at practically everything.

    Call me a pesimist but concidering how it's scrapped by when compared with lower end cpus I can see a thorough G4 thrashing coming up on barefeats very soon.

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  • Dippo
    Mar 18, 03:38 PM
    Apple and the music industry in general will continue to rake in the $$$ regardless of this development - the real threat to the industry was always P2P, not sales.

    And if the industry would sell cheaper music without DRM then P2P wouldn't be as big of a problem.


    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. the cricket world cup 2011
  • the cricket world cup 2011

  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 11:01 PM
    Perhaps I missed something but these all appear to be acts of violence against homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, they are horrible acts but I believe that CaoCao specifically stated acts motivated by mainstream Catholicism.

    exactly, subtract the gangs, the mentally unstable, the non-Catholics and the inconclusively because the victim was homosexual and see where we are


    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. CRICKET-WC2011-IND-TICKETS

  • emotion
    Sep 20, 08:40 AM
    Come to think of it it is possible that the iTV is in fact an iPod underneath. Might explain some of those persistent wireless ipod rumours and that rumour about an iPod with a 'non-touch' interface.

    Just idle thoughts... :)

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. Winning 2011 Cricket World Cup
  • Winning 2011 Cricket World Cup

  • CaoCao
    Mar 25, 09:59 AM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.
    Aren't we having a thread about religion dying?
    Don't forget to subtract the victims who we aren't sure about them being killed because they were homosexual.

    So, how many can you prove were Catholic, mentally stable and not in gangs?
    People can BELIEVE whatever they want.

    The reason why people have a problem with what the Vatican BELIEVES it is because it is so frequently converted into something that PHYSICALLY restricts the rights of other adults.

    Stop imposing on people's rights, and you can go ahead and continue believing whatever you do.

    Whether or not their beliefs are bigoted are a side issue and only strays from the actual reason people don't like the Vatican.
    "so frequently" ORLY? Prove it. To prove that the Catholic Church restricts rights you have to prove that the rights existed before.

    PS Marriage is a privilege not a right.
    To stretch my own analogy, it also ignores that the men who put on white hoods and terrorized black people were not "mainstream" white people either, but they were nevertheless acting on the attitudes held by "mainstream" white people. They were radical, but saw themselves as the ones with the strength of will to enforce the true will of the "mainstream." It's all very well to believe that the darkies should keep their place, but somebody's got to do the work of keeping them there when they step out of line.

    However, I will return to what I touched on before: the Catholic Church (and Christian churches generally in the United States) currently have no need for terrorist thugs. They have great political influence and have convinced a significant plurality (seemingly no longer a majority, I am gratified to point out) that they are entitled to subjugate others bloodlessly and anonymously through the democratic process.

    At least this is so until the courts clearly state once and for all that this is incompatible with our law and our society. Incidentally, that's also when the thugs will really come out, and you watch how many of them claim to be doing the Lord's work.
    The Klan was basically an organization with the express purpose of keeping Negroes in line, can you prove an equivalent organization in the Catholic Church?
    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)

    Unfortunately, none of that is relevant to the original point of the thread. Looking back through the thread, Catholics and Catholicism were/ are the discussion. Not all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream'.

    If we constantly expand the topic, none of what was previously said is relevant.

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.
    You forgot the fact that many "Christians" in the US are fundamentalist nuts


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  • 2011 Cricket World Cup

  • izzle22
    Sep 21, 01:33 PM
    What are you a comedian? Give me a break. I expected this sort of reaction. It's very easy to say that when you're not the one being effected by this.

    Hey at least you guys had U2 before we did.:)

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. Cricket World Cup 2011
  • Cricket World Cup 2011

  • flopticalcube
    Mar 16, 01:29 PM
    Instead of the OP, I guess the question you really need to answer is, should we make decisions based on sound reality based scientific data, or short-term, panic-mode, irrational reactions to the effects of an extremely rare national emergency which could have been better prepared for (like not putting the plant on the ****** BEACH!)

    Oh come on! You know what the answer to that will be. Panic wins every time as it makes better TV. :rolleyes:

    Potassium Iodide tablets (retail $10 bottle) going for $500 on eBay. People are so stupid sometimes...


    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011,
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2011,

  • javajedi
    Oct 12, 07:35 PM
    ddtlm check this out, this may suprise you:

    I ran the double precision test (sqtrt()) for the first time today as a c program. I compiled on the same machine as I ran the java version, with gcc version 2.95.3-5 (cygwin didn't come with 3.x).
    Here are the parameters to gcc:

    $ gcc -march=i686 -O3 -pipe -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -fforce-mem -fforce-addr -fexpensive-optimizations -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer

    Using this, the C program does it in 7.01 seconds. The same code, in java does it in 5.9. The javac, or the jvm seems to better be able to tear apart the loop. I think Java being "slow" is another common misconception that people have ;)

    Oh well...

    Meanwhile on the PPC side of things, I compiled the fp test against:

    mcpu=7450 -O2 -pipe -fsigned-char -maltivec -mabi=altivec -mpowerpc-gfxopt -funroll-loops

    Ofcourse this is running in 10.2, and I'm still stuck at around 90 seconds.

    Is there anything else you think we can do aside from vectorizing it? Lastly, now that we're all on the same page now on how we are compiling this, I reran the silly single percision int test, and my powerbook looses out to the 750FX. Same platform, same code and everything, but heck?

    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. 2011 at Vidarbha Cricket
  • 2011 at Vidarbha Cricket

  • Applespider
    Mar 20, 06:27 PM
    I switch all the time on this issue. For the most part, DRM doesn't get in the way of anything I do so I think 'what the hey!'

    Then I envision wanting to make a silly video and using some music with it (which I could do if I'd burned it off a CD) and not being allowed to with the iTMS stuff. And yes, I know that the CD way is illegal too but until the RIAA make a very easy way for Joe Public to be able to pay a nominal amount for a very limited distribution, not-for-sale video, people are going to do it illegally.


    World Cup 2011 Cricket Tickets. World Cup ticketing with MATCH Executive Chairman Jaime Byrom. 6:06. MATCH Executive Chairman Jaime Byrom discusses the ticketing process, the ticket sales
  • World Cup ticketing with MATCH Executive Chairman Jaime Byrom. 6:06. MATCH Executive Chairman Jaime Byrom discusses the ticketing process, the ticket sales

  • GraphicArmy
    Jul 11, 11:07 PM
    Yeah, I hope apple lower their price point for the pro models. It is way too much. I love mac computer, but come on; the prices vs the PC suckass.

    I know Macs are way better then PC, but PCs are good tool too.


    Apr 10, 06:27 AM
    1. Define a proper game. I think there are a lot of proper games on iOS. But I think I get your point. Do you mean hardcore? Halo, elder scrolls, call of duty etc.
    I sort-of mean hardcore, though I think thats a wonky label too.. There are quite a lot of "hardcore" RPGs on iOS already. I mean games with decent budgets and a sizeable team working on them. The vast majority of the >$100 billion games industry works that way.. Metal Gears, Silent Hills, God of Wars, Halos, Resistances, Fables, Killzones, Gears Of Wars, Half-lifes, Portals, L4Ds, Elder Scrolls, Witchers, Crysises, Zeldas, Shadow Of The Colluseses, Resident Evils.. The hardware is more than capable of having incredible titles, but the devs just wont give it a proper go. What are our true iOS classics? Any dedicated console at this point in its lifespan would have a load of them.

    It was neat when we got the Dead Space spin-off but the big boys have really only dipped their toes into iOS without truly committing yet.

    I do agree though there are a lot of proper games on iOS, just not high profile ones that would attract many outsiders. I love small and indie games and the experimentation they offer.. Its not a failure to not have the big support IMO it's just playing a different ball game.

    2. What do you mean make a legitimate threat? I would bet money there are more iDevices in peoples homes and hands than Nintendo or Sony devices (of similar purposes) I watched a friends kid for a week in January while she was on a business trip. The kid loved his DS to death. For Christmas he got an iPad. He didn't even know where his DS was anymore, it was old news. Plus when apple has enough money to buy either company out, I think that makes them a legitimate threat.
    Not to traditional gamers really. Apple aren't going to buy either company, and both companies are still offering a whole tier of game quality above what iOS currently offers. Only once the developers start seeing iOS as a real standalone gaming platform and not a curious aside for drumming up publicity for their true AAA titles will it appeal to most gamers. - tbh devs seem much more keen on funnelling development resources into supporting Facebook/social gaming than iOS, which is pretty sad. Look how small the mobile section is compared to others. :(

    I'd love to see Apple's future plans regarding the games industry.

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 13, 11:50 PM
    Why can't people get away from the concept of a centralized power source, like a coal or nuclear plant or even a wind farm to generate their national needs? I even see arguments that 'we don't have the space' for alternative power. Look at an aerial photo of any city and all you see is miles and miles of dead empty blank rooves. Solar panels or even small wind turbines on every single roof in every city will have people either reducing their reliance on a central power source or even contributing their own electricity to the grid to the point you may not even need a central power source, or maybe just one - which could be a wind farm or a nice clean geothermal plant.

    I sure as hell would not want wind turbines on the roof of houses. The noise from them would drive me insane.

    I am a fan of putting solar cells on the roof of houses and then the excess power is sold back to the grid. That helps reduce it by a fair amount. Not that it would work in a large part of the country due to not being cost effective. You need to be farther south for it to really be worth it and have fair amount of sun shine.

    biggest thing is we need more efficiency out of what we have. HVAC is some of the biggest power draining system and improve those and it greatly improves the over all system.


    Jul 11, 10:53 PM
    mmm, AppleInsider vs. Thinksecret

    Is this a deathmatch? I think both sites should put something on the line, a little wager, to make this face-off more interesting. Perhaps each should wager their URL... that would be cool.


    Mar 15, 07:30 AM
    Irresponsible politicking. Trading off the nation's future for the short term expediency of a group of politicians. Disgraceful.

    nuclear power hadn't got a long term future in germany before this event though. the discussion is only about the running time of existing nuclear plants (after all 6 reactors were originally destined to be shut down originally in the 2010-2013 time frame)

    the politicking here will be that after the elections the reactors will be turned _on_ again .. against the will of the voting population


    Oct 7, 04:28 PM
    Originally posted by alex_ant

    Won't happen. To a Mac zealot, if the G4 is slower than anything, either 1) the benchmark was rigged, or 2) "pcheese" and "Windblowz" suck anyway.

    The Pentium 5 could come along and deliver 15,000 in SPECfp and all the Mac zealots would be whining about how SPEC isn't a real-world benchmark and how Macs deliver such better real-world performance etc., even when they have nothing to substantiate their claims but the biased and selective evidence from themselves and their Mac-using friends.

    I love Macs, but I harbor no illusions about them not generally being just about the slowest thing on the block at the moment.


    mac rules, pc sucks, how hard is this? if you dont' agree, why are you on a site devoted to macs? leave now!!!!!!! (not u alex... lol)

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