Thursday, May 19, 2011

Free Dog The Bounty Hunter Wallpaper

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 24, 08:02 PM
    Archbishop Silvano Tomasi said the Roman Catholic Church deeply believed that human sexuality was a gift reserved for married heterosexual couples. But those who express these views are faced with "a disturbing trend," he said.

    He may find a "disturbing trend", but I would characterize it as "social progress".


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  • SandynJosh
    Apr 8, 11:12 PM
    Why doesnt Apple allow you to plug a controller in the 30 pin adaptor? Wouldnt that be the best of both worlds?

    Apple doesn't care what you plug into the 30 pin adapter. Go here ( to see all kinds of button-rich controllers for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Some plug into the connector and some operate the game over wifi, and one allows both methods. Before commenting, let Google be your friend. :)

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  • mac jones
    Mar 15, 03:04 AM
    I would really like to know the worst case scenario. Everyone has a different idea about what this is, so in effect, there's no way to know. Imagination is not a comforting substitute for facts.


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  • mixel
    Apr 9, 06:23 PM
    iOS needs big games. I hope having these guys in PR can help persuade big studios to give iOS better support. I mean treating it as a legitimate platform for premium content not just cut down stuff.

    As others have said.. An official add-on with buttons and analogue sticks would be really interesting. That single simple gadget would be a blow to the NGP & 3DS. Ideally it'd have a separate battery in to make long gaming sessions more viable. Mmmm.

    Touch can't totally replace tactile controls, even if it's great for some genres there are others where it falls flat, and I'd like those genres to be represented properly on iOS. If Apple really want to attack the 'hardcore' gaming portables it'd make sense.

    Obviously they can continue on the touch/gyro only path they're on now but it's still limiting the game developers.

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  • EagerDragon
    Jul 12, 12:20 PM
    How much hotter would a MacBook Pro be with a single Woodcrest?
    Why not Woodcrest for entire PRO line?


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  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 12:44 AM
    They want 40 dollars for *that*? I went to go play with a 3DS and it had the pilot wings resort game. It came off as a very cheapy game (I was wishing they had something more interesting as a demo *sigh*)...

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  • macidiot
    Jul 12, 05:24 PM
    Dude, take a chill-pill. Why does it matter so much to you if he uses XP?

    I don't really care if he uses xp. I've loaded boot camp on my mbp. If xp better suits your needs, go for it.

    The point was that pretty much everything he said was bogus and flame bait. Sadly, I took the bait.


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  • CaoCao
    Mar 26, 09:07 PM
    there's no reason why the church can't continue for their believers if it learns to respect the rights of those who don't believe in its teachings

    The Church wont bend on certain issues. This is one of those issues.


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  • awmazz
    Mar 13, 11:24 AM
    I'm all for nuclear power. It's the cleanest

    I guess it depends on your perspective of 'clean'. Yellowcake mining is one of the filthiest ugliest long-term polluting human endeavours ever invented. We have three uranium mines:

    The Olympic Dam mine owned by BHP Billiton in Roxby Downs here has so far produced over 60 MILLION TONNES of polluting radioactive tailings waste in just 23 years of operation. BHP plans a $5 billion expansion of this single mine. Not more mines, just this one, a whopping $5 billion to expand just one mine. It's very profitable and will become more so as reserves deplete. People in the northern hemisphere are prepared to pay handsomely to shat their energy pollution in other peoples' yards instead of their own.

    And then you have the other arseholes owners at the Beverly Mine going by the name of General Atomics who insist on using the ever so lovely even filthier acid-method known as 'in-situ leaching' mining technique, basically because they don't give a flying feck. Their radioactive particles, heavy metals and the acid used to separate the uranium is simply dumped into an aquifier and leaches into our groundwater. No commercial acid leach mine in the USA has ever been given environmental approval, yet here is an American company insisting on using it here as if our environment is their shareholders' own private toilet and spittoon.

    The third mine owned by Rio Tinto has just been one environmental or health and safety breach after another. Even to their own workers, exposed to process water 400x maximum Aust safety standards in 2004. Then there was the 2 MILLION LITRES of tailings containing high levels of manganese, uranium and radium which leaked from a pipe. Then there was the contaminated water containing high uranium cocentrations released into the Coonjimba and Magela Creeks.

    Depite having over one fifth of the world's reserves and the growing profitibility of yellowcake to the economy, the Australian govt has limited yellowcake mining to the three existing mines. Because it's just too damn filthy and polluting to open new ones.

    Cleanest? Coal mining is much cleaner. Why should you consider there's a whole production line of pollution to get that 'clean' energy into your home, not just the painted white-for-purity nuclear power plant at the end.


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  • ~loserman~
    Mar 20, 05:17 PM
    The trouble with DRM is that it often affects the average Joe consumer more than it hurts those it's intended to stop.

    CDs that don't play in a PC annoy Joe Public who buys a CD and wants to listen to it on his office PC while at work. The guy who planned on pirating it can easily get round the DRM and go on his merry way.

    DRM embedded in iTunes annoy Joe Public who burned a track onto his wedding video and now can't distribute it to the wedding guests without working out an authorise/deauthorise schedule.

    The record companies assume everyone is out to be a criminal while the 'criminals' don't bother buying DRMed files or strip out protection and do what they want so just as many files end up on P2P networks and on dodgy CDs on street corners.

    Therein lay the problem. Most people are using the music illegally.
    The record industry is right.
    In your own analogy of Joe Public burning a track on his wedding video.
    Guess what? when he distributes those copies to wedding guests he breaks the law.
    It's illegal for him to do that. It is stealing. He pirated it.
    The problem is we have become so used to stealing that we don't recognize it as such anymore. We justify it away.
    Almost no one would even consider it to be wrong if they bought a cd copied it and gave it to their friends. It is wrong. It's stealing/pirating.


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  • CaoCao
    Mar 25, 03:20 PM
    Damn right. What are we supposed to say- "Oh, you don't like us and want to deny us rights? Ok, that's just your opinion! Cool!" **** that. Sorry, not gonna happen.
    You have to prove the rights existed in the first place otherwise I could argue the government is denying my right to drive a tank
    It is entirely relevant. The leadership of the Catholic Church, as one very significant representative of a multitude of peer sects that engage in similar behavior, uses its political and rhetorical power to promote the attitudes that spread their own prejudice and enable prejudiced people, including a subset of extremists, to excuse themselves from the obligation to treat those people with fundamental dignity and respect.
    Do you even understand how the Roman Catholic Church much less the Catholic Church works?
    No argument except as to the point. This would only be a relevant criticism if I were holding Catholics responsible for an attitude held by some Christian sects, but not by Catholics themselves. On the contrary, the Catholic attitude towards homosexuality in question is common across much of Christendom.

    This thread is about the Catholic Church, so I name the Catholic Church, but the criticism is properly aimed at the attitude they share ecumenically. The consequences of prejudice against homosexuality as rationalized by Christian dogma are shared among all who promote that prejudice. The Catholic Church is neither singled out (except contextually) nor excused on that account.

    As I said, you want to reserve to the church the right to disclaim responsibility for those who act on the principles it promotes.

    I doubt you could find a sect who murdered homosexuals for fun. To return to the analogy, the Klan did not murder black people for fun. They murdered those who stepped out of line, who challenged the social status white people of the era carved out for black people.

    The mainstream hierarchy of the Catholic Church espouses the belief that homosexuals must be made to conform to Catholic prejudice regarding their proper place in society, and that Catholic belief grants them the right to do so. The premise is wrong before we even get to the method. The mainstream Catholic Church pursues this agenda in ways which do not currently involve terrorist action, but they do pursue it. The obscure terrorist sect you've hypothesized would be operating based on the same flawed premise as the "mainstream" church, arguably even more consistently, since a common interpretation of the Bible does demand the death penalty for homosexuals.

    As I keep saying, the immorality lies in the idea that one's prejudice gives one the right to force other people to live their own lives within the boundaries of that prejudice, whatever form that force may take.

    This is about the Roman Catholic Church not Christendom. Also the attitude is not shared, many Protestant groups see people as evil and wicked, the Roman Catholic Church sees homosexuals as people in need of love and support.

    By mainstream Catholic I mean someone who follows all the rules of the Catholic Church.

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.


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  • MacCoaster
    Oct 12, 06:11 PM

    Thanks! Didn't think about clock()!

    Though, that gives me 100.8 seconds (assuming 10.08 seconds) when it ran in 10 seconds. Didn't you mean to divide by ten?

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  • Porchland
    Sep 20, 09:46 AM
    Oh please, yes. For me, iTV will only truly be the final piece of the jigsaw if I can also watch my recorded (and possibly live) EyeTV content through it.

    A hook-up between Apple and Elgato sounds the most natural thing. Elgato should continue to make hardware for all the various TV standards (terrestrial / cable / sat / digital / etc etc), but perhaps use some Apple desigers to make their boxes a bit more "Apple-looking". Then, Apple can take the EyeTV 2.x software and integrate it with iTunes.

    To those that say that Apple won't allow this because it would hit their own TV show revenues from the iTunes store... I disagree. They'll have to give in sooner or later, because EyeTV isn't going to go away. Would iTunes/iPod have been such a success if they'd have made us purchase all our music from iTunes, even the stuff we alread had on CD?

    I'm not going to pay �3 (or whatever) for an Episode of Lost if I could have recorded on EyeTV last night... especially when C4 repeat each episode about 6 times per week anyway.


    A lot of these questions come down to whether Apple is going to market iTV as a satellite/cable killer.

    Scenario A: iTV is a way to watch movies and shows in your iTunes library and (for $1.99) watch an episode of a show you forgot to DVR or that you just really like and want to own.

    Scenario B: Apple morphs its season pass feature for TV shows into a subscription service that is priced competitive to cable. Movies are available in HD for $3.99 for 24 hours.

    Scenario A doesn't really give me anything I don't already have, and I'm not going to pay $299 for the privilege of buying movies for $10 that I can PPV for $4. But Scenario B gives me a way to drop my cable package altogether; it's similar to the way mobile phones allowed people to drop local phone service.

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Apr 9, 06:04 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii

    I doubt it - ninty are make some serious money on every console/handheld unit sold, they are set for the foreseeable future. IMO, while the iOS is great for short bursts of gaming, it will never replace a dedicated gaming machine

    Doesn't matter. Apple took in two head gaming executives. Whether they called them up or were called up, they now have major gaming players in their family. It's a pretty clear sign that they will be getting into gaming in some way.

    when they get Miyamoto or Iwata, then I'll be interested

    These people are fleeing the "yellow light of death” on PS3 or "red ring of death' on 360. The consoles are so poorly made that broken PS3's seldomly fetch $50 on eBay.

    Apple has a real opportunity to make a name in gaming as gamers know quality and appreciate being taken seriously.

    that's well, ********, to be honest, RROD has pretty much been eliminated and YLOD wasn't particularly widespread....

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 11, 11:22 PM
    there's no way apple's going to use woodcrest in the upcoming powermac rev because there are no motherboards for socket 771 (woodcrest) that support anything above pci express 8x. powermac's are going to be high end workstations for print, graphics, and media shops, 8x pci express won't cut it.

    look around at all the motherboard manufacturers (nvidia, ati, asus, msi, etc) none of them have a woodcrest platform available. apple always uses some other motherboard vendor like supermicro.

    the only way i see this happening is if apple ships the powermac in 2007 when the socket 771 boards start using 16x pci express.

    just wondering, have you not seen my posts on the dell workstation? that has dual woodcrests, and, be still my heart 16X PCI EXPRESS! :) That's how it has the quadro FX 4500 video card. And you can even get a version that has a riser for a 2nd PCI-Express 16X slot so you can have 2x the Quadro 4500!

    Also, According to the articles on the appleinsider site, apple has had INTEL doing the logic board.


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  • latergator116
    Mar 19, 05:59 PM
    Just because a man can do a thing does not mean that he should do that thing. Whether or not you will get caught breaking the law is irrelevant to whether what you are doing is or is not legal. I can go to the supermarket or gas station and steal a bag of ice from outside without getting caught, but it doesn't mean what I'm doing is okay. You might say it's not a big deal--it only costs a dollar, and anyway the supermarket makes tons of money off the other things that they sell, and they probably don't deserve all that money because they underpay their employees.

    Moral relativism and justification might make you feel fine about doing it, but it's still wrong and it's still illegal. If you don't care, that's your thing.

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with making copies of a song from a CD I bought. Also, I see nothing moraly wrong with downloading songs just to get a taste of an album, because I usually end up purchasing the whole think later on.


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  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 05:03 PM
    islam is unpleasant and, i guess for want of a better word, evil.

    That was a bit harsh, wasn't it? Not even I would go as far as saying that anybody's religion is evil. But it's definitely proves to be incompatible with modern Western values, which we began to see already in 1994 (Salman Rushdie). My only comfort is that those who have contributed to accelerate the conflicts by providing a lousy integration policy, will likely be the first ones to get stoned to death. I'm a male who doesn't drink alcohol nor commit adultery (and pork meat I can live without), so an islamic state wouldn't really be that bad for me to live in... I think...

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 10:34 AM
    Contrary to what many people are saying here, I don't think PVR is Apple's stratedgy. PVR woud have to be based on a subscription model, and Apple has shown us for years now that it won't have it that way.
    Windows Media Center does not have a subscription model - the channel guide is free.

    All you have to do is enter your zip code and cable provider when you set it up.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 26, 07:47 AM
    It's about power and control- nothing more.

    Think Obama & Jobs the supreme power couple :)

    Scarlet Fever
    Jul 12, 01:26 AM
    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X
    Funny choice, noting your username...

    Apple can't afford to use anything less that 4 x 2.5GHz for their high-end machine, because on paper, it doesnt look as impressive. If Intel cant get the hardware right, Apple should just upgrade the G5 and wait till Intel can get 16x PCI, 4 cores, etc.

    Just a moment of reflection... a year ago, if someone asked us which Intel chip we thought would find its way into a PowerMac , we would probably curse them for blasphemy :rolleyes: . Now were having a poll, and getting excited about the prospect of Woodcrest chips...

    As to the poster who wished for the Apple Mac, i think that would be brilliant. i want a machine which i can put new parts in, but doesn't cost me an arm to buy. Here, the base model G5 powermac is around 3000, which is out of my price range. If they introduced something like the iMac, but with user replaceable parts, i think they would sell well.


    Mar 18, 03:12 PM
    Personally I think this is great! Any sort of DRM sucks, even if it is rather "liberal". That's like giving all your customers in your shop a pair of handcuffs to prevent theft, and saying "but these cuffs are really comfortable".

    But since "DRM sucks," I guess you'd rather the store give it away for free and go out of business when the cashflow immediately dries up.


    Jul 12, 07:29 AM
    Hmmm, I hope they change the moniker XEON just brings up old conotations. Though I hope the Xserve waits for Kentsfield or at least for SOSSA MAN.


    Mar 26, 09:45 PM
    Situation would never happen, police don't walk the beat here anymore (thought it would be nice). Also police are obligated to stop crimes in action while the government isn't obligated to create new rights because a very small demographic demands it.


    Apr 24, 10:55 AM
    Is it fear? If I admit this is BS, I go to hell? Simple ignorance?

    Yes, and insecurity, self-delusion (we are the centre of the Universe line of thinking), control, etc. These have all been expounded on in previous threads.

    6,000 years is nothing, the mere blink of a eye, if they will but see.

    Man's advancement (good and bad) has been nothing short of miraculous in the last Millennium. I'd like to stick around, but it ain't gonna happen.

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