Friday, May 20, 2011

Booster Car Seat

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  • maxmiles
    Apr 4, 11:55 AM
    Oh.. if there was an exchange of gunfire I'm glad the security officer survived. I thought this was a case of an over anxious gun user.

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  • centauratlas
    Apr 4, 12:24 PM
    The San Diego news says the robbers were shooting at him, so I think his life was in danger. :-) 40 rounds of exchanged fire.

    Chula Vista is NOT La Jolla.

    If you don't want to be shot, don't rob a store and better yet don't rob a store carrying a gun with other people carrying guns.

    I'm as pro gun rights as anyone, but this sounds like a problem for the security guard. Unless that guard's life was in danger, there was no reason to shoot anyone, especially in the head. The placement of that shot was no accident.

    That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of facts we don't know. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 19, 10:08 PM
    Keep listening to corporate run media which lies and doesn't tell the whole story.. my friend, unemployment and the economy aren't getting any better.. in fact, very soon it will collapse.. as inflation starts to settle in.. and if you wanna know the truth, look at BBC and other non-corporate run media for the truth. I know in my home state its like 7.9 percent and most of the jobs are health care and IT - no industrial, no customer service, nothing else.

    See the roll eyes after his post, I think he was being sarcastic.

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  • MacSync
    Sep 26, 02:34 PM
    Wouldn't it be nice to have a phone that was able to switch to VOIP in areas with free 802.11 service if you choose to? It could be a part of .Mac Moblie that was discussed earlier. At home it would be on your existing wireless network and could sync with iTunes and all the other Apple Apps and serve as a remote. Away from a 802.11 network it could pick up the cell carrier towers. Would something like this be worth developing?

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  • leroypants
    Apr 28, 04:17 PM
    Don't worry, Windows 8 will be even better. Its going to have a built in PDF reader called "Modern Reader." Too bad Linux and OSX have had built in PDF readers for a decade now. Typical Microsoft, "if you can't beat them, copy them!"


    Another nickel in the bank.

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  • MacMan86
    Apr 12, 06:03 AM
    I run XBMC Live on an Acer Revo connected to my TV in the entertainment room that plays any 720p and 1080p media I throw at it. I don't own an Airport Express. I don't invest in an Apple ecosystem. This stuff needs to be OPEN! :D

    I want to have ONE device that does it all (my Acer Revo) versus having to buy a number of overpriced Apple devices and/or software to get this to work. :)

    Don't pretend you actually care about 'open'. To you, 'open' simply means 'free'. I'm going to make a stab in the dark and make the logical assumption that all your '720p and 1080p media' is torrented videos. Please, correct me if I'm wrong :rolleyes:

    To me, it just sounds like yet another person wanting everything but willing to pay nothing. What a sustainable model that is...

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  • CylonGlitch
    Nov 13, 03:59 PM
    Again, as I have said previously, the way these images/icons came about was USING OS X APIs.

    That's how they're wrong.


    Because they are NO LONGER USING THE API! They give the rights to use the API to call and display the image. It doesn't give them the right to take that image and use it for something else outside of the context it was meant to be used.

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  • zap2
    May 3, 05:27 PM
    Yeah... All 13 of you :rolleyes: JK.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd probably be a little upset if I were you, but this shouldn't come as too much of a surprise; you are a VERY small percentage of the market.

    The amount people who want to use the iMac as a display is a small group?

    We're talking consoles, PCs, Macs, phones, tablets, media players, blue-ray players.

    I think we'd see a large amount of people like this features, plus it would make the iMac a much more attractive purchase, as it would still be a fine display even after the hardware in it is too old. I know it would most likely make me go for the iMac over the Mac mini(although most likely I'm waiting for the mini before any purchases)

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  • deputy_doofy
    Aug 28, 03:28 PM
    Come on Apple... open the doors. Let's not be too far behind, here...

    I hope Apple is at least somewhat prepared for the demand... :)

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  • cvaldes
    Mar 22, 02:02 PM
    What about the Mini?
    No one knows. These are just rumors anyhow. The absence of Mac mini rumors means nothing.

    In terms of CPU and graphics, the Mac mini is most similar to the low-end MacBook rather than the iMac.

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  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 4, 12:10 PM
    Why did they say "went bad"? As robberies go killing the robber is about as good as it gets.

    It was either the guard or the robber, and if the robber wins, other innocent people may get shot too. You may not understand it, unless it happened to someone close to you.

    If the robber had a gun, he planned to use it if necessary. He was not going to have any consideration for whoever he shoots, as long as he could get away with his crime.

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  • tatonka
    Mar 24, 09:01 AM
    I don't get peoples fascination with thunderbolt. Besides that it is new, it is pretty much useless right now. I agree that it is a cool port once they come out with the suitable accessories .. but til then, I couldn't care less.

    The one thing I would like to see is the thunderbolt mag safe adapter as basically a one plug docking station .. not sure that is ever going to see the daylight though.


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  • iMacZealot
    Sep 14, 01:03 AM
    Ya, i know 3G isnt that popular in America, but i expect the iPhone at least should have built-in WiFi like many Phones in today's market. So we can use the iPhone to video LIVE chat with the other Mac users or iPhone users through the internet. Since many Universities have Wi-Fi covered the whole school, so i think it will benefit abot students. And more and more hot-spot now.

    It's not that it's popular, it's just that we never get around to doing the recent when it comes to mobile phones.

    I'm not sure if we'll get video chat. I hardly see any phones that can do that with the exception of the Nokia N80, but still, you can't do that anywhere here anyways.

    Most smartphones don't have Wifi in them. I don't think there's been a single Blackberry or Treo with one. There have been a few with Windows Mobile 5.0, but that's pretty much it.

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  • Eidorian
    Apr 14, 05:54 PM
    After thinking about this some more, I have come to believe this is just damage control over AMD's recent chipset certification ( from the USB-IF.

    They are just reassuring their support of USB 3.0. I still believe that Thunderbolt will require its additional controller and will not be supported directly on the chipset for Panther Point. (Intel 7 Series, excluding X79)

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  • hulugu
    Apr 11, 12:13 AM
    Is all relative. If you take my home country, it'll be around $1.32/hour pay for minimum wage. You get 2 weeks vacation and equivalent pay. Oh and down there they treat you like crap because of the infuriating high 35% unemployment rate. So everyone looks out for their job even if it means sucking up.

    Here in the US you can fight it. So yeah. Also Europe has more taxes than the US. Consecuently we get taxed even lower than the US. But still $315.50 a month is barely covering cost of living even for my country.

    Care to complain now?

    Sure, regardless of the situation in other countries�South America?�the question is whether this is a problem in the U.S. and I think it is, and the comparison of a Swedish company using the US like the US uses Mexico, for cheap labor, should be a wakeup call to the US that our current economic policies are making us Mexico to Europe.

    This sounds like IKEA is the one being a bitch.

    I can't see how this is "the right's" fault. If so, why doesn't "the left" step in a help out?

    As Ugg pointed out, the 'right' has pushed for anti-union policies, including 'right-to-work' status for states like Virginia. That said, I don't think this is a 'right' or 'left' issue per se, but rather a gleeful removal of worker's rights to garner jobs�regardless of the health of a community funded by low-wage, short-term positions.

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  • AidenShaw
    Mar 23, 11:15 PM
    wait till they see the price of the new tb drives people will choke...

    $49 for a TB drive

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  • bordenkecher
    Sep 16, 12:31 PM
    i dont know if anyone has said this yet, but why dont they just turn a ipod into a phone instead of turning a phone into an ipod... seriously, an 80gig ipod w/ the ability to call and text people and etc. alhtough, i suppose the tech isnt there to make it small enough for the average consumer to enjoy

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  • bearcatrp
    Apr 20, 10:10 AM
    This is total BS. We should have been informed of this and a way to turn it off or delete the file on our own. As for the poster above who stated it only goes to your computer, I highly doubt it. This is another big brother tracking honest citizens. Hope a class action does happen. I will definitely sign on!

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  • batchtaster
    Apr 11, 08:40 AM
    you seem, like so many people these days, to be wanting everything while giving nothing...

    Hey Apple / music / movie /etc etc industry, why cant you just let me have whatever I want, whenever I want, all for free?
    And let me moan and whinge non-stop while you're doing it.


    And not just free - employ people and sink resources into it to make it happen, so that Apple (and other companies making great products) actually pays for these things they want, like they're 5 year olds pawing through the candy in the check-out line at Walgreens, demanding one more piece. You want the candy? Buy it.

    On another tack, I can't help thinking this guy has opened up a can of worms for himself, DMCA-wise.

    Mar 23, 04:34 PM
    Honestly, do you think someone who is Drunk is going to be checking the app for the checkpoints?

    Eh, yes.

    There is more than one level of being drunk you know? Not everyone stumbles out of the pub and falls over. Those are the guys who are the least of the problem since they will be passed out before they can start the car.

    It's those that are arrogant enough to believe that even though they've been drinking more than the limit they can still drive just fine that are the problem. They are the people who can also send text messages they regret in the morning and take camera photos of their ass.

    Just because someone has been drinking it doesn't mean they can't fumble through a phone menu; but nobody gets killed by a poorly written text message.

    Sep 12, 05:56 PM
    I'm definitely going to buy one of these. Despite what it says in my profile (which I need to update really don't I?), I've been sans iPod for sometime now and was waiting for these updates. It was pretty much what I expected and I'm pretty pleased. I'm disappointed that the lower end model didn't get a little increase in capacity but it got a price drop instead so, it's not that bleak. I think the updates are quite nice though probably not worth it if you already have a 5G...
    I'm just hesitating between the 2 devices now. Then there'll be the black or white is good :)

    Mar 23, 04:52 PM
    Surely these apps fall foul of the rule about no lasting entertainment?

    They seem pointless if you're already drunk to be able to use it.

    Apr 30, 01:10 PM
    THANK CHRIST....sorry :o

    Apr 22, 03:06 PM
    Sounds great!

    Maybe we'll see a new Mini with Thunderbolt and an SSD option during the same time frame!

    One can hope...

    I thought that the biggest benefit of the mini was its low price. Stick an SSD in there and that will be gone.

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