Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2011 world cup final images

2011 world cup final images. 2011 World Cup Final Match
  • 2011 World Cup Final Match

  • dustinsc
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Well, minus the screen size too. Equal to isn't going to cut it against an Apple product. Just look at how the Zune fared.

    2011 world cup final images. World Cup Final Match At
  • World Cup Final Match At

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 09:39 AM
    I don't know how many times we have to go round and round with this here. I've been on MacRumors since '01 and it's always the same-old, same-old. It's not legitimate. It's "I-wantism." You have no basis to believe that a Rev B would be more "stabled and refined." That's a hope, backed by nothing -- and nothing Apple ever comments on, either. The bottom line is that you can hope if you want, and you can wait if you want, but to bash Apple for being slow on the trigger, and to make the argument that Meroms are amazing and Yonahs are crap is, frankly, horse manure. Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too.

    Then please let those in here, myself included, make our own mistakes by buying the lastest iteration of the macbook pro. 'kay, thanks.

    This isn't a "why are you waiting for rev-X." This is a thread about notebook refreshes and when they're going to happen.

    That being said, I'm now waiting for Photokina. :)

    2011 world cup final images. world cup cricket 2011 final
  • world cup cricket 2011 final

  • aaronb
    Jul 27, 03:21 PM
    I always thought it was "Time" but I could be wrong!

    2011 world cup final images. world cup final 2011. quagmire
  • world cup final 2011. quagmire

  • JAT
    Mar 22, 02:30 PM
    Display playbook = 7"

    Display iPad = 9.7"

    That's not half the size.

    And before calling out irony, "your maths" has an 's' at the end. Thanks for playing.


    Way to not understand "numbers". BTW, "maths" is British, "math" is American English.

    2011 world cup final images. dream 2011 World Cup final
  • dream 2011 World Cup final

  • notabadname
    Apr 8, 12:10 AM
    Every day Apple stores get shipments of iPads....but they don't sell them when the arrive. They hold them for the line that forms the next morning.

    Seems odd to me. Like they are purposely making a spectacle in front of the store every morning.

    This morning the store I went to had NO AT&T models?!?!?! So tomorrow morning there will be yet another line of those that failed today (including myself).

    On topic, I called Best Buy and was told that unless I pre-ordered before the day of the sale, I could not get an iPad 2. My co-worker walked in last week off the street and purchased one. Why the inconsistent message? I don't get it.
    Not really a spectacle. They take the evening's drop shipment and get it into inventory. they sell it at the three places I can check before the Mall even opens, for example: Kenwood Town Center in Cincinnati opens at 7:00 for mall walkers. They let people in line at that time. The store opens at 8:00 to give "reservations" to the line standers for their choice of the available stock. They start processing/selling at about 8:30 and distribution is usually complete before 10:00 when the mall stores open and shoppers arrive. Apple doesn't open for sales till 10:00 either. So they are actually avoiding the spectacle and line in front of the store during normal hours, which you would have if everyone showed up around 4:00 or 5:00 to be around for the afternoon drop-shipment.

    2011 world cup final images. world cup final 2011
  • world cup final 2011

  • john123
    Sep 19, 09:57 AM
    The pre-release tests I saw reckoned Merom was about 25% faster with 7% longer battery life. Though they are pretty meaningless figures and we won't know until Merom is actually in a Macbook and a comparable test can be made.

    I'd imagine there will be far bigger improvements to both with Santa Rosa and nand cache (which I presume Apple will support) than there is with Merom.

    Check out the iMac benchmarks. The actual speed improvement (i.e., not the Intel hyped numbers) are much more modest.

    2011 world cup final images. 2011 World Cup Finals: Men#39;s
  • 2011 World Cup Finals: Men#39;s

  • Burger King
    Apr 27, 09:23 AM
    Just to be clear - you think someone who wants to question what is and what is not being tracked is a whiner?

    Did I read you correctly. Nice name calling.

    After an issue has arose and been debated to death and then even after the manufacturer has addressed the concerns of the paranoid, it is time to give it a rest.
    But then when those who wish to beat what should now be a dead horse into little bitty pieces continue, then yes you are correct. Maybe whiner is not the correct title for these people. ;)

    2011 world cup final images. 2011 world cup final pics. the
  • 2011 world cup final pics. the

  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 31, 03:34 PM
    Oh, Lordy! The Fandroids were always delusional, but reading some of these comments�this seems to have pushed them over the line into some sort of clinical psychosis.

    2011 world cup final images. 2011 world cup final images.
  • 2011 world cup final images.

  • dicklacara
    Jul 27, 10:27 PM
    The next gen of chips has 4 core versions of conroe and woodcrest, each with the same sockets as the ones they're replacing. Not sure if there will be a 4 core merom.

    Pretty cool, but it needs a real name, MAC won't cut it. Maybe Mac Express?

    And it wouldn't have FW800 or a second optical slot. Probably a second HD slot instead. And I'd guess it would be more of a pizza box enclosure, but that's wild speculation. Your price is probably way too low, too.

    How about Mac Midi?

    2011 world cup final images. Live World Cup Final 2011: .
  • Live World Cup Final 2011: .

  • wmmk
    Jul 14, 06:07 PM
    the question still remains--will the powermacs be able to use standard, off the shelf, pc video cards?

    i know that you couldn't do so in the power architecture due to the bios irregularities. now that they're using efi, does this still mean we have to buy mac based cards? because that's really the question nobody seems to ask and nobody seems to have an answer for.

    what this new mac workstation will mean is the chance to upgrade your macs based on commodity parts. no more mac tax for hardware. i remember when the radeon 9700 was king, the price was around $299 for pc version and $399 for mac version.

    think about this, the ability to upgrade processor, video card, and sound card without having to pay the apple tax.

    that's what it really comes down to. the speculative "good" version of the mac pro has a so-so video card, but it's not really worth the $600 more just to get a 1800, i'd rather just get the 1600 and upgrade on my own.

    oh, btw, i did some of my own investigations and found this site:

    which may mean that the standard cards are compatible with mac os x now.
    i'v actually heard that with a normal PC, you can make almost any NVIDIA card compatible with mac, but it takes a bit of geekery and hackery.

    2011 world cup final images. world cup 2011 final match
  • world cup 2011 final match

  • emotion
    Jul 20, 02:31 PM
    I'm not sure either and I shouldn't have made the assumption. I know Ableton and Cubase do as I've used both and I'm now an avid Ableton user. I'd imagine Logic will take full advantage sometime soon since it's now one of Apple's pro applications. It certainly makes sense considering how bogged down your system gets once you load enough virtual instruments and effects.

    I'm a Live user too. I wouldn't assume the forthcoming Live 6 supports more than two cores though.

    I agree about Logic and the multi core support. They should have done this for the G5 quads though (I hear the quad owners scream :) ).

    Edit: apparently Live 6 supports more than two cores/procs

    2011 world cup final images. world cup 2011 final match
  • world cup 2011 final match

  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 9, 11:38 AM
    Nuck, about the trigger travel: I am right. I wasn't asking about holding corner speed, and your tirade against me is very juvenile. When I pull just over 3/4 travel on the trigger, the in-game accelerator display is showing I am pulling full throttle. It was this way in Prologue as well.

    2011 world cup final images. world cup final 2011.
  • world cup final 2011.

  • BC2009
    Mar 22, 07:07 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Ummm.... why does every product have to be an "Apple iDevice Killer"? None have succeeded that yet, though many have been successful as competitors. The Apple jealousy factor is so huge.

    Meanwhile, Apple is drowning in orders and battling light leaks ( in displays. If the quality cannot be improved expeditiously, would-be customers may investigate the competition. :(

    Drowning in orders is a problem? Trying to imagine that. If they sell 2M iPad 2's in March that would be double what they did last year with their runaway success.

    I don't think they are drowning in "light leaks". Mine is fine, and I'm sure most units are. Many many LCDs leak some light on the edge. Certainly the video I saw of this on one particular iPad 2 was extremely pronounced, but I have owned many LCD monitors that leak light to some degree. The outcry is likely because there aren't that many units out there right now so folks are afraid to return it and be without it while waiting for an exchange.

    Anyway, I hope the competition flourishes. Sure Apple is innovating fast and furious right now, but that's because they want to own this market for a long time to come. I don't want them to dominate it so much that they become complacent (though I hope they will have learned from their past in that regard). Just because I prefer to use iPad doesn't mean I think everybody must and should -- to each his own. Obviously I think the iPad is better than the competition, so I bought one. Somebody else's choice to buy a different tablet won't validate or invalidate my choice of an iPad in any way.

    I'm cheering for Apple to produce better products that I am excited to own, but this is not a sporting competition where only one team can win. Eventually there will be 2 to 4 leaders in the tablet space. Samsung and RIM are both trying to ensure their place as one of those leaders (and so is Motorola). I would venture to say that none of them are thinking that they will "kill the iPad" which defined the market they are trying to compete in, but rather each of them wants to be the leading "other option" to an iPad and capture a good chunk of the growing tablet market.

    2011 world cup final images. world cup final match images
  • world cup final match images

  • ugp
    Jun 9, 03:03 PM
    Went down to Radio Shack today. They are doing a trade in but you're never gonna get the max price they offer unless it's out of the box new. My 3gs has normal wear over the year so they will only give 230 for it.

    And I have a feeling trading in prices will drop when the iPhone 4 drops.

    Yeah it sucks because we have no way of knowing if the trade in values will drop on launch day or should we trade in the day before. So far employees have no word on them doing so but Radio Shack is notorious for not keeping them in the loop when it comes to important information like this.

    2011 world cup final images. World Cup Final 2011: ICC
  • World Cup Final 2011: ICC

  • skunk
    Mar 23, 05:34 PM
    I keep seeing these pointless ad hominems popping up in your posts. It really is getting tiresome.Isn't that an ad feminam?

    2011 world cup final images. Final Six by MS Dhoni in World
  • Final Six by MS Dhoni in World

  • berkleeboy210
    Jul 28, 07:43 AM
    Looking forward to WWDC! Unfortunately I'll be returning home on a plane while the Keynote is going on.

    At MacWorld when Steve announced the MacBook Pro's I literally fell off a chair. Here's hoping that the Plane won't do the same thing if the Pilot's are Mac Nuts! :D

    2011 world cup final images. World Cup Finals 2011 in
  • World Cup Finals 2011 in

  • barkomatic
    Mar 31, 04:00 PM
    not when Google blocks handset makers from releasing innovations that would be good for consumers but bad for google. they may have tried to do such strong-arming -- a geo-services company claims it was shut-out by the makers due to google not wanting makers to license optional alternatives to google services.

    From the sounds of it, Google is trying to prevent the release of phones that run poorly and are *bad* for consumers. Google is a private company and they can do what they want--just like Apple. Handset makers can go back to their lousy proprietary mobile operating systems--but I really doubt they will. This is a win for consumers in the long run.

    It's a temporary lose for those who like to tinker though.

    2011 world cup final images. world cup final match 2011
  • world cup final match 2011

  • Macaroony
    Mar 4, 03:53 AM
    CaoCao, could you please elaborate as to how gays could cause the collapse of society? I keep hearing that but I don't understand the sentiment behind it. And please, do not skirt around the answer, I always try to be as clear as day with mine.

    The only explanation I can come up with as to why you would see being gay and giving gays the same civil rights as the collapse of society is that it differs so much from your worldview, it causes your world to collapse to the point where you feel nothing but uncomfortable to live in such a society. In other words; if gays are treated equal under every law under the sun, your society would collapse.

    I often hear that same-sex marriage devalues marriage and threatens those that are already married. I wonder why and how. I doubt that your straight neighbor's happy marriage affects you at all unless you're so jealous, you want their marriage to be annulled - a happy same-sex couple must be killing you inside. I have said it here and in another thread before, marriage is nothing but a contract between two members of two families and the state to secure their fortune and legacy. Every attorney will tell you the same.

    I have to say, it's very exhausting coming up with a defense convincing enough for those that don't seem to follow the world by logic. I'm glad I'm not a lawyer because if law is like that all the time, I'd rather give up on it and live in exile.

    2011 world cup final images. Final Six by MS Dhoni in World
  • Final Six by MS Dhoni in World

  • walterwhite
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    Lawyers never seem to see or feel the Karma stick for nonsensical and litigious lawsuits that just end up effecting the rest of us... that do our best to be good human beings.

    Apr 19, 08:15 PM
    Samsung is the worst company with ideas. They just copied off apple on everything they make, period.

    Yes, their Nexus S phones have almost as same packaging as iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 packaging.

    Yes, their icons are so similar.
    Yes, their UI is very identical to Apple's iOS.
    Their new Samsung 9 series laptop has drop ports and original macbook air had this as well.

    Samsung just copies apple. Good to see apple is suing them. Love competitions, but apple spent money on investing, marketing and entering the market with the new design. Samsung? No. They just copied.

    They deserve to lose and they will lose in this trial.

    Mar 4, 04:01 PM
    The problem with your "logic" is that not everybody is gay. Homosexuality is nothing new, gay people have been around for a long time, and humanity is surviving.

    Except I was responding to a post that suggested heterosexuals stop having sex...

    Nov 29, 11:07 AM
    ...Major labels ceased to produce anything of worth quite some time ago.

    Oh yes! some major label releases:
    Grwen Pstefanny, Perris Hill Tong, Christeena Aguelara


    Mar 25, 10:35 PM
    What? this seems hard to believe... Already done on development? :confused:

    Mar 31, 05:11 PM
    That was a hoot changing the search to Bing. Only thing gutsier would be to somehow replace every admob ad to a competitor.

    I wouldn't leave Google completely blameless here. They knew who they were dealing with. They need eyeballs to sell (ad business) so they made their bed. Same reason why the software marketplace on android sucks, they designed it for their bottom line (eyeballs). They aren't making a product for people to use, they're making a channel to deliver a product (eyeballs) to their customers (advertisers).Except Google makes a big deal about how they support open source and aren't evil (presumably other profit seeking corporations are evil). And the open source fanatics lap it up. Take a look over at Groklaw, for example, and it's all a big conspiracy to discredit Google. So, I would change "[not] completely blameless" to "is completely hypocritical", then you'd be right on. I think Free and Open Source is great for many things, and proprietary works too, just don't blow smoke up my butt and tell me it's a rim job.

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