Saturday, May 21, 2011

Neil Young Decade Disc 2

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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 21, 06:13 PM
    Perhaps square miles would be a more useful measure. ;)

    A simple omission of single word qualifies the person(s) as 'illiterate'?

    BFD. :rolleyes:

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  • mikemac11
    May 2, 06:18 PM
    This article is misleading. It doesn't uninstall anything. Just removes the app from LaunchPad list.

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 03:43 PM
    Did not say he would improve it either. :(

    Adding Bluetooth makes a lot of sense.

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  • Manic Mouse
    Aug 19, 07:08 AM
    Apple should take a leaf out of Sony's book and make the new iPod a mini palm-Mac like the MYLO. A slide out QWERTY keyboard in the style of the Macbook and a large touch screen would make it capable of running anything: Safari, Mail, iCal, iChat etc. It would make the iPod revolutionary (to an extent) again, and more than a mere music device: You could surf the net, write emails, watch movies and listen to music on it. Were it to run a mini-OSX the possibilities would be endless. It would also make people more interested in buying Macs because they can see how good the OS is.

    Imagine, on your couch (or in starbucks) reading your email, IMing while listening to your tunes. Bliss. It would also make the WiFi functionality actually useful rather than a gimmick if it's merely a music/video player.

    If Apple merely release a new media player they will have missed out on revolutionising the market again like they did when they first released the ipod. Sony have already gone half way there with the MYLO, if Apple go the rest of the way they will blow away the competition!

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  • carlos700
    Oct 23, 11:36 PM
    Intel Core 2 Duo T7600 Processor at can be had for a little bit over $650.

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  • Machead III
    Sep 7, 12:33 PM
    Funny, that's what I thought reading your original post.
    Cearly "education" didn't serve you as you started the communism argument.
    Please, enlghten me, off forum, so I may better understand.
    Considering your locations (UK and France) I'm not surprised.

    I'm not interested in talking to bigots.

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  • stoid
    Aug 6, 09:57 PM
    I'm at work tomorrow too, but seeing as my 'boss'/co-worker is also a huge Apple fanboy, and since the Keynote starts at noon local (CDST) I'm expecting that we'll fire up macrumorslive and eat lunch whilst get text updates. Too bad there's no live video tho...

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  • lifeinhd
    Feb 28, 08:01 PM
    15! *internet props*, at one point i had a blue and white g3, a ruby imac g3, and a few others...unfortunatly my mom was tired of all the "useless" (in her eyes) computers and made me discard them (the only computers i have every gotten rid of that werent compleatly dead)

    now all im starting again, with this mdd g4 :D

    As much as I hate clutter, I'm a bit of a collector as well. Usually, whenever I get a free Mac (and most of the Macs I get are free), I sell them, but whenever I come across a free classic or really old Mac, I figure "eh, it isn't worth anything, might as well keep it..." and the collection builds from there. So far, I've got an SE/30, two PowerBook 180s, an eMac, a PowerMac G4 AGP (I think), an iMac G3, a Performa 5200CD, and an Apple //e. They all boot, but one of the PBs is iffy. I've also owned two 1.25GHz PowerBook G4s, a PowerMac G5 dual 2.0, two 1.83GHz Mac Minis, a 1.66GHz Mac Mini, several iMac G5s, a G4 Quicksilver, a MacBook Pro, an iMac G4, and maybe some others I'm forgetting. Only ones I paid for were some of the iMac G5s, the MBP, and two of the Mac Minis.

    And I've only been an Apple user since 2006 :p

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  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 01:15 PM
    Even then though...I dont think this means anything special for non-MacPro owners. Everything else gets the mGPU treatment:(

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Mar 28, 06:28 AM
    It is amazing how limited in vision some people are...

    Seriously people stuck with this idea that the future of gaming is going to be non-portable systems with game controllers forever are going to be very disappointed in the future.

    Ultimately gesture based movements and other mechanisms will be used for gaming, not a freaking glorified joystick. It is silly to believe otherwise.

    Again people saying you couldn't play with a touchscreen device without looking at it have no imagination or understanding. Definately within two years you will be shown to be horribly wrong on this point.

    You keep believing the future of gaming is going to remain in the hands of traditional 8 year console development cycles... It is not going to happen.

    It would be like saying you can't play any real game on a console, you need a pc for it. I certainly can do much more in terms of controlling and playing a game on a computer than I can do with any console controller.

    You really are deluded aren't you? You need to be REALISTIC about your expectations. You want to have a bet in this?

    I'm calling BS right now - there will always be a place for pads/sticks/mouse/keyboard it gives a vastly better tactile experience than a touchscreen. Touch gaming will improve, I will agree, but the majority of core gamers won't be playing core games on the device.

    Are you a gamer? Any gamer worth their salt is very much aware that the norm was a new gen every 5 years, not 8. But yeah, I'dsay we are probably looking at a 6/7 year cycle right now.

    Anyhoo, I digress. I'm still calling BS. yeah, I'm sure mobile gaming will improve, but it' not going to replace consoles or PC's for core gamers.

    I assume that's what you meant. Because we've seen touchscreen devices advance by leaps and bounds since June 2007. In two years' time it will very likely be an entirely new ballgame with such devices being a dominant force in tech, including gaming.

    This little demo is just barely scratching the surface.

    Really? Dominant as in more units out there or where it's a lead platform for development?

    I mean, you could say that android has the mobile touch screen market zipped up, but we both know that's because there's so many different handset out there.... Yeah there will be a load out there, but it will never be the main cash cow for games developers - the money is in consoles and to a much lesser extent now, PC gaming.

    You're sure about that? Considering the next Xbox isn't due for release till about 2015, and the PS4 probably later, and I'm pretty sure those systems will ship with controllers. The Kinect being an optional extra.

    And I seriously doubt the iPad will could be seen as a serious competitor to Games Consoles and PC gaming, in the same way my calculator is a competitor to my iPhone because it performs a same function, better than my iPhone does.

    you think? I suspect we'll see an announcement next year and a release in 2013 actually for the 360, the PS4 will probably be 2015. The 'WIIHD" or whatever it' called might be announced this year.........

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  • Built
    Apr 3, 01:05 AM
    You did a poll asking hundreds of people if they are waiting for this very reason? Dude you're way wrong. The "many" people you are referring to are probably a very select number of....MacRumors members. Hardly indicative of the general population. I don't know if you heard- but people are going mad trying to get their hands on one. Your "theory" or whatever it is about people waiting to make sure the kinks are worked out is, well....stupid. I've read this whole thread and you seem to be on a kick about the light-bleeding issue. Yet you dont own one? Interesting.

    Perhaps if you spent more time educating yourself and less time convincing yourself that a flawed product is acceptable, you would learn something. Try googling the issue.

    Based on the way you write, however, I am going to guess that you won't take the time to do so.

    Some people are just not interested in facing the truth.

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  • DanChosich
    Oct 23, 04:12 PM
    Unless the new MBPs are shipping tomorrow..:rolleyes:

    I know you will see that I've never posted before, so anything I say will probably be taken with a grain of salt. I don't blame you for not believing me, every Tuesday I am let down with all of you. If I am lying you can ban me from this forum, for whatever it's worth, I promise what I'm telling you is the truth. I see you guys are as antsy as I am about this update.

    I know a person that works at an Apple Store as an inventory control specialist - I asked him back in July to tell me before hand if he knew when the Merom MacBook Pro was coming out. Today I got a text message from him saying, "(dan's) laptop might be coming out tomorrow." However, he thinks it's only a 15''.

    Something is definitely planned to come out tomorrow. I know it's not concrete, but it gives me hope. I figured I would share.

    I'm hoping he is wrong about the 15'' thing, I wanted a 17''. Either way, I'll take what I can get. I've been waitng too long.

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  • Hraggleblarg
    Sep 29, 11:27 PM
    Why is it so impossible to find an orange case? I'm so frustrated.

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  • The.316
    Nov 26, 06:52 AM
    Logitech diNovo Mac Edition Keyboard
    I finally decided that I couldn't put up with not having a number pad any longer. Feels good to have a full sized keyboard again.

    Ive been contemplating this keyboard because of the same reasons. I have a question for anyone that can answer this...I use the new Logitech Performance MX, which uses the same mini usb connector, can I use that to connect the keyboard as well, or do I have to add a second USB connector for the keyboard?

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  • mscriv
    Mar 24, 01:44 PM
    This thread reminds me of a show I saw recently about this topic and one of it's segments featured Exodus International. It was an interesting program.

    I'm not familiar with the Exodus International, but in the interview the current president says they make no claims about "curing" homosexuality, that they just provide support for those who have similar views. One of the founders who left the movement was interviewed as well. It seems their program has gone through many changes since it's founding over 30 years ago.

    There were similar programs with differing beliefs profiled as well.

    As far as the app goes, Apple as a business has the right to do what they please, but I imagine it's difficult to apply criteria based on what might be "offensive" to large groups of people. That doesn't really sound like much of a measurable criteria to me. But, that plays right into Apple's status quo of keeping a tight rein on their own ecosystem. With non-specific and unmeasureable criteria they can do what they want without violating their own "rules".

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  • islanders
    Dec 30, 10:52 AM
    I think a lot of you are expecting way too much on the "iTV" and will be very disappointed when it gets released.

    1. DVR Functionality?
    Nope, I don't see it. Don't see it happening EVER. This places iTV in direct competition with Cable and Satellite providers, which (imho) is a losing battle. A good example is Tivo. While, Tivo is still lauded in the industry and consumers as having the "best DVR interface/UI," it's still not selling well to consumers. Why? Cable and Satellite providers are providing DVRs and a MUCH lower cost, and even though their UI/interface sucks terribly, because of the LOW COST, the Cable/Satellite boxes are outselling Tivos.

    On Demand. This category amongst cable companies are expanding very rapidly and offering free content left and right. Good example is HBO, nearly *ALL* of their shows are On Demand now which is instant access to all of their shows. Generally speaking (for people who use HBO On Demand), this has been extremely popular, maybe this is why HBO is still not being sold on iTunes? Why download when you have access to nearly all of the HBO content for free and instantaneous?

    2. Remote Desktop viewer?
    Nope, don't see this at all either. If this were a Mac world only, MAYBE I could see this happening, but the harsh reality is that we live in a primarily Windows world. I really don't see Apple moving into utilizing Remote Desktop on Windows machines THROUGH iTV.

    You have to remember that unlike iMac, Mac Pro, Macbooks, etc, the iTV will have to satisfy Windows users as well.

    What do I see the iTV for? Streaming media, a glorified IP TV box, an easier way to bring the iPod to the living room. I really don't see it doing anything else. I'm hoping that I'm wrong.


    I would be only be disappointed if I purchased the device and it wasn�t up to my expectations.

    If it has incredibly limited features and offers no value and no one buys it, I don�t care.

    I have all those features in my living room right now. VOD, HD DVR, (which is the same thing as TiVo, as Comcast will be using a TiVo next year for the DVR)

    Just because some of us are speculating on what we would be of value to us, HD, less commercials, a more useful bandwidth, doesn�t mean we are expecting to see any of this next week.

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  • davester
    Oct 24, 01:03 AM
    Since when have Apple used the Optima font family for their copy? :rolleyes:

    Edit: lol ok, thought you were serious about this for a moment.

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  • gazfocus
    Jan 11, 06:47 PM
    I think the comments about aluminium being too expensive, etc, are rediculous.

    Apple use Aluminium in the new iMacs and those prices didn't increase. Also as has been said before, Aluminium is more environmentally friendly, and there is currently alot of pressure on Apple to be "greener".

    I think it is possible to gave an all aluminium line up whilst still having a clear divide between consumer and pro products. Pro products always have higher specs, more BTO options, and larder screens/higher resolutions.

    Personally, if Apple come up with an Aluminium Macbook, I'll certainly be buying one to use as well as my new Macbook pro (regardless of whether it has a built in optical drive or not), although, I'm not convinced the removal of the optical drive would be featured in the consumer line up.

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  • suwandy
    Oct 23, 04:32 PM ( (German) ( reports that MacBook Pro upgrades could take place as early as this week. Expected updates include Core 2 Duo upgrades as has long been expected as well as larger drives, FW800, and upgraded DVD drives.

    Meanwhile, product checks ( indicate that several European hardware distributers "ran dry" of MacBook and MacBook Pro inventory several weeks ago.

    Rumors of MacBook Pro upgrades have been ongoing for weeks. The last reported rumor from comes from an iBook update prediction ( in 2004. That rumor turned out to be true (

    and the rumor for this one will turn out to be true as well, and I'll be free from this waiting room. :)

    Dec 13, 11:31 AM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 4 million points!

    Jul 19, 06:47 PM
    As a recent "switcher", I feel personally responsible for these numbers. An iMac 20" intel, a Black Book, a Nano and a shuffle in the last 3 months! ( Of course, I'm totally broke now, and the kids are going hungry, but it's nice to see Apple doing well!)

    Mar 21, 06:18 PM
    Chinese naval vessel in the Med,to apparently to extract Chinese workers from Libya (I thought they got them all out before the western nations)?

    Aug 7, 04:37 AM
    Keynote is 6pm for us in the UK.

    Since I started reading this thread, it's gone from 5 pages to 7! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    I can't WAIT!!!! How long does it take Apple to get the videos up on their homepage, and what kind of videos are they? My broadband aint too quick, so it often stutters when playing back larger videos...

    Apr 20, 03:46 AM
    I hope so, and I also hope they don't skimp out on the Mini.

    According to the Buyer's Guide, it's been over 300 days since the Mini was updated and the average is 248 days. So they're a tad behind.

    I don't think Apple have any excuses on this one. It's been far too long.

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