Saturday, May 21, 2011

Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid

Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 05:05 AM
    People dont want to download the source and compile it

    What makes you think that you have to do that?

    even the best package managers dont really solve the problem, I want to download any application and run it, I dont want to have something check dependancies and then get teh appropriate version ect.

    have you ever used Linux? Application-installation in any modern Linux-distro is VERY smooth. If I want to install an app in Ubuntu (the previous distro I used), how do I do that? Well, I load a package-manager, which gives me a list of apps. I select the app I want to install, and click "Install". And that's it. How much simpler could it be? Why does everyone think that loading a web-browser, searching the app with Google, browsing to the website, downloading the installer (assuming that the apps is free. Usually with Mac, it's not) and running the installer is somehow "easier" that launching an app, selecting the app to be installed from a list and clicking "install"? Seriously?

    The newest Suse enterprise desktop has a lot of Mac os like features, and claim to have done a lot of research into user interface optomization ect, but thats only Suse, what about the rest, Linux will never have a singular unified front, and that is its achilees heel, and the macs inherant strenght (ok so the mac isnt that unified anymore)

    What do you mean by "unified front"? The GUI? Most distros use either KDE or GNOME (usually alloweing the user to choose which one he prefers), so they are in fact quite unified.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • marksman
    Apr 21, 03:01 PM
    So somebody sues you for (insert nefarious activity of your choice) and you deny it saying you were nowhere near Location-X at the time. Then, under rules of disclosure, they subpeona your iPhone/iPad/MBP/TC to obtain your data. The data shows you were at least in the vicinity of Location-X and so had the opportunity to perform (aforesaid nefarious activity).

    They can do that anyways. They could subponea the cell phone records and the cell phone company would have the exact same record from the other side. People really don't understand what is going on here when they fly off the handle with these wacky examples.

    The cell phone provider has a log of every cell tower you have visited with your phone. This is often used in legal cases as evidence.

    I agree that the location data should be dumped... every few hours... so the files contain minimal information. Backups should exclude all this location data. I cannot imagine why any application needs to know my location from more than a few hours ago.

    That is because you don't understand what the data is for... It is a database to help assist with the functioning of the device. It is not a log file of places you visited. See you don't even know what the file is for but you are demanding how it should be changed.

    Dumping the file every few hours would make the significant functionality it provides the phone worthless.

    Did you know the future of cellular phones is going to use systems where you are predictably moved to a specific tower based on where they believe you are going as it will help with throughput for data, signal quality, reduced power consumption and overall functionality. Such databases will absolutely be a part of all cell phones going forward. It is part of the technology, part of the functionality.

    If someone steals your phone they might see some of that data, and they might also see the roll of pictures you took at the furry convention.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • charkshark
    Dec 5, 11:23 PM
    The Zune is a disgraceful joke from M$.....who cares, get over it.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Multimedia
    Aug 28, 08:10 PM
    I still can't decide between this setup and a 20" iMac (educ discount) for my TV requirements... hmm.. the iMac's audio input isn't optical so that may swing it towards the mini.Keeping components separate is much wiser. You can keep the 24" Screen when you upgrade the mini in future. iMac is a problem when either screen or computer break or become power obsolete. 23/24" screen is NATIVE HD Resolution 1920 x 1200 (1080) - not so the iMac 20".

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • archurban
    Nov 28, 10:17 AM
    zune people don't seem to agree what it is bad. they just deny the true. here what they are ridiculous.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • jakeacc
    Mar 25, 03:56 PM
    And just like that, Apple has snuck itself into the living room game console biz.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • mingspace
    Oct 23, 09:10 PM
    yes on the 31 we shall have a trick and a treat... ...MACBOO

    Anyone have a hunch on the price the new macbooks and MBPs?

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • lordonuthin
    Nov 18, 07:57 PM
    ^yeah almost seems unfair to ppl that want to compete but dont have access to high end hardware. i guess if you look at it from an aggregate standpoint then low point crunchers make a bit of a diff.

    the amount of power sucked from the wall per unit would be WAY less i would imagine. from an environmental standpoint it wouldnt make sense

    That's why I dropped the G5 after I saw how little it was doing against the Mac Pro and even the low end amd's, it just wasn't worth it in terms of the electric bill.

    And speaking of electric bills... I'm just kind of guessing here but I think folding is costing me about $50 a month :eek:

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Built
    Apr 2, 09:51 PM
    Seriously? You do understand that that is a small sample of folks. Most of whom choose to gripe and moan and not to do things like return it.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Macnoviz
    Jul 18, 06:02 AM
    I was trying to avoid the whining, but now that you bring it up... when is apple going to bring the video content to other coutries?

    In Belgium, we were promised video downloads in 2006

    Yeah, if it's $9.99 to rent, it's going to fail. $1.99, might be worth it. I'm sure a lot of people will be happy, then a lot of people will complain. Both with have good points, but the rest of us won't care.

    Yeah, $2 seems right for a movie (in twisted Apple calculations this is 2,49 euros) I normally watch movies only once, so rental would be better, especially with a modest hard drive

    We can always hope that they also want to make business outside US.


    Surely the TV Shows issue is because the US shows are sold on to European TV Stations, usually after the show has aired in the states. These TV Stations aren't going to be too pleased if they've shelled out a bucketload of money for the UK premier of 24 for example, only to have it show up on iTunes before they've even aired it.

    The only way it can work is if iTunes waits until after all the channels have aired it first. In the UK you'd find 24 showing up on something like E4, then Channel 4, then some of the scrubbers like Channel 5 or Bravo would likely have a deal, then it could show up on iTunes. By then the show is so old that there's no point. Hence, I imagine, why we don't get iTunes TV Shows here.

    The shows would probably be different in the international stores, like here in Belgium we will have to split, one for Flanders (Dutch subtitles, although a lot of people also know English, like me) and one for Wallon (French dubbing/subtitles)
    And there would probably be an offer of Belgian TV shows, along with international ones that have already aired here. I do hope we will have the chance to buy some more shows that, won't come out in Belgium, at least not on DVD.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 01:15 PM
    Even then though...I dont think this means anything special for non-MacPro owners. Everything else gets the mGPU treatment:(

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 10:01 PM
    Don't know what the price will be but I'm nearly positive there will be no 'upgrade' price.

    Apple seems to be moving to the app-store model where you pay less at first but then you pay the same for every upgrade.

    iLife has done this for years and now Aperture is doing the same thing. Frankly, I prefer it to the old way.

    I don't know... Licensing terms seem more reasonable on the app store.

    I guess we'll just have to see (I'm hoping for upgrade price though, since I have FCP!)

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Salacion
    Mar 31, 10:29 AM
    There is one in post #33 ( of this thread.

    I skimmed over it and can't believe I missed it. Thanks.

    I don't know, I don't think it's too bad. I wanted a change in both iCal and the Address Book, so I'm not complaining. I prefer the one in the previous build however.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Cocoy
    Jan 11, 11:26 PM
    I don't see the benefit of a MacBook Slim.

    Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?

    well... based on people dreaming of flash-based drives, small form factor, powerful machine... it seems to me everyone who seem to want one at the end of the day really want 2 very different devices.

    1) a notebook in the macbook form factor but with a dedicated video card or at the least an integrated video card that does great performance. this is what most people would settle for if apple ever makes one. Call it nostalgia for the 12" PB, maybe. powerful but very mobile. call it the MB for pros is what people want.

    the absence of an optical drive wouldn't be the end of the world. who uses them still in this day and age where everything from dmgs to photos to music to video to presentation are all on the internet?

    2) i think the sweet spot really is that people want something like an ultramobile machine that they can take on the go. that they can use for work stuff--- presentation, maybe run some office app. it's got to be mixed with a bit of personal stuff--- video, pictures, music and of course browse the web. it's that space above the iphone/ipod touch and below an mb. call a machine that is not just a phone, not just an ipod but more computer than the iphone and ipod touch are.

    Can the iphone/ipod touch do this now? yeah. i think with the sdk coming out it will really open the gate. because APPs is what's really missing. People want to do /more/ with the iphone/ipod touch. they want an Ultramobile Mac.

    personally, if Apple was going to make a subnote--- i'd rather they try for number 2.

    if Apple is going to make a new laptop, i hope they do something innovative like have an MB, but "do away" with the traditional keyboard and mouse. it would be the same form factor with a display and the spot where the keyboard is, but instead of a keyboard and trackpad... that space is a multi-touch or a user interface that can be reconfigured on the fly for whatever app that's active. (doesn't apple have a patent pending for tactile-multi-touch response?)

    Using Word for example? the "multitouch pad" pops out a keyboard. Doing photoshop and you get an interface similar to a wacom tablet that you can draw on. For a lack of better analogy, something right out of Star Trek's reconfigurable user interfaces. it would certainly go with the whole "air" theme. draw interfaces from the air just like magic.

    My guess is that "Air" will be something more towards greater reliance on cloud computing.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • NT1440
    Mar 19, 11:47 AM
    Thinking ahead, what happens when the power vacuum is in place?

    Get ready for the same old story, yet again, just in Libya this time.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 04:58 AM
    I like the UK. B&O have their entire product range here, wheras they don't in Australia...

    Their store in Melbourne CBD is pretty comprehensive, i don't know what they are missing but im pretty sure they could get it for you if you wanted it

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • AndrewR23
    Apr 10, 02:33 PM
    My first car was a shift so yup I had to learn. My girlfriend is being taught by me right now too :)

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • aprilfools
    Mar 22, 10:27 PM
    until flash becomes more affordable, I hope the classic stays around a while.
    I'm a DJ. I use my classic loaded with my 30,000 song library all the time. most of you think you represent the majority of people that don't need an iPod with that much capacity. Who has/needs a iTunes library that large you ask? people like me SO...You can kiss me where the sun don't shine.

    Georgia O�keeffe An Orchid. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Nishi100
    Mar 31, 04:57 PM
    Is address book the same; and can you post a screenshot, anyway?

    Jan 13, 09:28 AM
    introducing...MacBook Error

    Sep 1, 01:44 PM
    One more thing... they'll change the name from iMac to Mac, bringing a perfect symmetry to their product line-up:

    Mac Pro

    MacBook Pro

    It brings more symetry (but then you still need the MacBook Mini), but it would eliminate the "i", which appears to be an important trademark for Apple, as it is included in the name of many products.

    Aug 25, 10:26 AM
    I can.Only thing holding back better GPU in mini and MacBooks is Intel. Apple needs to stick with IG for cost reasons. Just wating for Intel to start shipping better GPU so they can improve that ASAP. I'm with you guys. Waiting for that to improve as well. But may happen with this refresh. Don't know the IG roadmap so well. Read here the 965 set is delayed until early 2007.

    Can anyone here confirm where we're at and going how soon on the Intel Integrated GPU front?We're still going with the GMA950 on the mobile front. The X3000 (965) has made its debut on the desktop platform with Conroe. Still, driver issues and low chipset supply keep it from the mass market. We're not going to see a MOBILE X3000 (965) until Santa Rosa next year. Hopefully Apple can make some good drivers for OS X and the X3000. I don't know anything beyond the 965 in the integrated graphics front.

    Aug 6, 11:32 PM
    More photos

    Aug 29, 09:26 AM
    wheres my media edition mac mini...

    seriously i would be stoked if they released an ULV Mac Mini with a 100GB HDD for all your audio and video needs. Ability to plug a 30" ACD would be nice, as 23" isn't that big for a TV. Built-in eyeTV equivalent, better remote... i want one!
    Wait for the Apple HTPC - the upcoming Conroe mini-tower/pizza-box.

    In the meantime, here's a Conroe HTPC that's now available:

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