Saturday, May 21, 2011

Aaron Lewis And Wife

Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis country
  • aaron lewis country

  • hdsalinas
    Sep 1, 12:25 PM
    I am planning on getting a mac for Christmas as a "you were a good boy this year" present to myself.

    My budget only allowed for a core duo mac mini. I then realized that for my needs I needed some thing with more meat so I had to renegotiate my budget with my wife and she finally agree to get an Imac 17".

    But then when I saw the 17", the screen actually looked smaller than my current 17" LCD, so after weeks of negotiating I managed to convince her on getting a imac 20".

    So I have been waiting patiently for the release of the new C2D chips to get one, until this new rumor of a 23" imac. :eek: I just hope they drop the 17" model, offer the imac 20 @ $1333 and sell the new imac 23" for $1700.

    if not, how am I supposed to convice my wife this time?:D

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis stained Calendar
  • aaron lewis stained Calendar

  • aussie_geek
    Oct 23, 10:37 PM
    I'll grant you some slack on a lot of the points you've made, but I simply can't sit here and read your smug comments about people waiting for the C2D without pointing out at least one thing you are missing. Just exactly how do you expect your Core Duo MBP to support 64-bit instructions when Leopard comes out? Oh, that's right. It won't. You're severely misguided if you think that won't make a difference.

    yes, my macbook pro will not support 64 bit instructions. i was fully aware of that when i bought it.

    leopard is confirmed to be 64 bit all the way through -ie the user interface is as well. i do agree that 64 bit GUI applications will surface but you can't say that all 32 bit machines will be massively disadvantaged and become redundant.

    what you have implied is that the 64 bit thing will be so massive and make so much of a difference to your computing experience that a 64 bit notebook computer is essential.

    btw - the g5 has been out for years. umm wait. it's 64 bit too :rolleyes: where are the MAINSTREAM apps that utilise the 64 bit facility of tiger??


    Aaron Lewis And Wife. Mohegan Sun Aaron Lewis,
  • Mohegan Sun Aaron Lewis,

  • vaderhater245
    Mar 18, 03:21 PM
    I think the E6750 is the cpu? maybe? PPD for my gt 260 is around 4-5k so your PPD sounds about right.

    Glad you are here again, we need the points!!

    My power was off for about an hour this am for some reason and I didn't get to folding again until now :(

    E6750 is an older "65nm" core2duo, 2.66 stock. Good to hear about the ppd. Current info at the moment.

    GPU: 548p project running at 5319.91 ppd.
    CPU: 225p project running at 295.89 ppd.

    Might be time to upgrade the cpu...

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis
  • aaron lewis

  • magbarn
    Mar 22, 06:10 PM
    Kill it!!!!!

    The question is WHY? You can keep your nano/touch...

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis concert virginia
  • aaron lewis concert virginia

  • patseguin
    Jun 23, 09:07 AM
    Doesn't Snow Leopard already have multi touch capability built in?

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. Wake me aaron lewis || lt;lt;aaron
  • Wake me aaron lewis || lt;lt;aaron

  • quaternio
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    Wireless controllers for iPad and TV dock or something please.

    Actually, I don't think there's any reason someone couldn't develop a way to use a PS3 controller with an iOS device. It would probably take some work, and Apple wouldn't allow it in the App Store, but I don't see why it can't be done right now. I mean, I use a PS3 as a mouse for my TV Mac Mini.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis sober
  • aaron lewis sober

  • RayLancer
    Sep 30, 03:29 PM
    what do u mean watermarks? do u have a pic?
    i was also considering buying from the ebay seller ashophone
    the clear gel cases
    anyone seen any cases like the grip vue solid colors on ebay?

    I got the clear one. I don't know if the inside was was matte or not. Took 2 days off an ebay seller.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. Staind frontman Aaron Lewis
  • Staind frontman Aaron Lewis

  • blizaine
    Sep 14, 11:28 AM
    Consumer Reports says "we still think the same thing" for the third time and that's first page news? Sounds more like they're fishing for free publicity.

    That is all they ever do. It's all about page hits and controversy for them. They did the same thing with the whole protein drink scare they tried to create a few months ago, that his been disproved multiple times.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. Aaron Lewis of Staind performs
  • Aaron Lewis of Staind performs

  • ���h�?
    Oct 23, 02:53 PM
    I hope so. I want mine ASAP and hopefully before the MacExpo in London.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. ||Aaron lewis t-shirt|| ||rev
  • ||Aaron lewis t-shirt|| ||rev

  • pagansoul
    Sep 7, 12:51 PM
    I'm a collector and I love movies. I can watch something I like 5 times a year and not get tired of it. I must note that my favorite genre is Science Fiction. My DVD collection is in the thousands. I do not watch TV because I can not stand commercials but I have several sets of shows, past and current. I also have about 400 CDs. I have purchased about 10 songs off iTunes but I tend to get the CD if I find I really like the sound. With only 2 of the songs did I decide not to purchase the CD.

    Now, iTunes Movie store. For myself I don't see much use. I have downloaded for free some short films that I play on my PSP and keep on my computer. I have ripped (off a DVD) a total of 6 movies (2 are Music Video DVDs) to my iMac just to see how long it would take and the quality. Since I believe I have just about every 'public domain' b-movie made on DVD already and just about everything I want that comes on a DVD I'm not the type of person Apple is gunning for. Right now there are people using P2P for downloading movies that actually think what they are doing is legal. They pay a few bucks to some site that's based in some other country that has different laws. It's these people that iTunes wants and they will pay a few dollars to get a downloaded movie off a creditable site. All iTunes needs to do is offer what those other sites do (a bit more, since it is legal) same speed and as good or better quality.

    Side note: If Sony would drop their price for UMDs to a more reasonable price like $5 then I would not need to make my own movie copies to load on my card. All they do is put the full lengh movie on a mini DVD, why charge $25 when a full size DVD is half the price and contains extras. Sorry for the side rant.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis solo
  • aaron lewis solo

  • Vegasman
    May 2, 05:58 PM
    That Windows dialog is horrible. Why is there so much info? Are the file size and image dimensions really helping me decided whether or not I want to delete it? And it has the classic Windows "Yes" and "No" buttons (instead of having something useful like Cancel and Delete). If that dialog pops up, you have to squint your eyes and look all over until you see "Delete ..." in the upper left corner, then take a second to make sure "Yes" actually means "Delete". And if you want to cancel, should you hit "No" or the X in the top right?

    That OS X dialog IS NOTHING like that Aero dialog.

    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. |Aaron lewis town line album
  • |Aaron lewis town line album

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 22, 09:39 PM
    looks like our best week at about 1.7m points! maybe we will catch 2 mil/wk when the new guy gets his bigadv points, woo hoo :D

    I'm begining to wonder whether we will get our points back from when that "glitch" hit? I had 1 bigadv as well as several other wu that never got posted, bummer...

    May break down and get something new to run bigadv units on ;) since I haven't been able to get gpu's workin' for more points... since I don't have anyone around to keep me from spending money on computer stuff...

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. song aaron
  • song aaron

  • Project
    Jan 12, 12:38 PM
    The google cache for adium usage stats page:
    It was retrieved on 9.jan and it already contained Macbook Air entry, few days before the rumors came.
    Basically the name Macbook Air seems to be real. Only thing is what stands behind that name. :)

    Great detective work.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. Staind aaron lewis fill me up
  • Staind aaron lewis fill me up

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 07:45 AM
    Its going to be extremly tough to decide between a wii and a fullscreen ipod. I really want a wii.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis country song
  • aaron lewis country song

  • ghostlines
    Mar 23, 01:30 PM
    I'm glad they aren't planning to discontinue this baby. I mean c'mon I still think alot of people use it. The more gigs the better, all your music all the time, anywhere. They just need to add bluetooth to it, I know it has space for a decent battery, so bluetooth wouldn't drain it too fast at all.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis Location
  • aaron lewis Location

  • Twizz91
    Mar 22, 05:12 PM
    exactly. ios4 base, but made look the same UI.

    Come to think about it, longer lasting battery stamina, better screen, internal additions. All without really changing the physical appearance of the classic.

    It can therefore still be 'classic' with up-to-date tweaks.

    No iOS for the Classic.

    The Classic will remain classic, that means it won't have too many functions.

    Therefore it won't need an operating system(OS)

    Just my 2 cents

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. aaron lewis country boy
  • aaron lewis country boy

  • Chef Medeski
    Jan 1, 07:58 PM
    Pretty excited about this Stevenote.

    * iTV
    * Leopard
    * iLife '07

    The rumored stuff this year is all retarded. "Maybe we'll all get Apple phones!" And maybe I'll give a flying #$%^ at a rolling donut. I have a phone, and I spend approximately 3 minutes on it per month. My wife and I are thinking of going prepaid for this reason. The last thing I'm going to do is buy a danged smartphone.

    Gah. It's all silly.
    A phone is best used to make phone calls not for music. If you want to listen to music theres a nano... I dont like the idea of putting them together compromising each other.

    Phone Compromises:
    Worst reception or larger size due to the added multimedia.
    Buttons are geared towards music instead of calls and stuff that is useful for making calls.

    iPod Compromises:
    Shorter battery life than iPod
    No Line-out for superior audio quality.
    Worst navigation for selecting songs.

    I like a great phone and a great iPod. Not an alright phone and alright iPod in one place so I cant just carry one or the other.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. And then there#39;s Lewis#39;s sweet
  • And then there#39;s Lewis#39;s sweet

  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 12, 08:19 PM
    That was pretty funny. It looked on Twitter like maybe 9to5mac had sorta tricked AppleInsider into announcing FCP7. (2 years after the fact.) Apparently there's a lot of "borrowing" of stories between the two sites.

    Aaron Lewis And Wife. Aaron Lewis Country
  • Aaron Lewis Country

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 21, 06:16 PM
    Run! Run for the collines!

    Grim but accurate.


    Don't they ( have a turn-down service?

    Unless you chaps mean Rwanda, which is much less amusing.

    Mar 27, 01:30 PM
    I don't think touchscreen games/consoles could ever completely replace traditional ones. A separate market, yeah, sure. But button-and-joystick consoles won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

    Also, every time LTD posts I have a hard time discerning if he's trolling or not.

    I have often wondered this, but I think it's too much dedication for a troll, but having looked at how he behaves, calling Steve Balmer "Monkey Boy", referring to Microsoft as "Micro$oft" or "Microsuck, he calls Windows "Windoze" or "Winblows" like a small child.

    He immediately bows down and worships any decision Apple makes. He also thinks that Apple should be above the law because of "Their supreme awesomeness"

    From this behaviour I've determined that he has to be about 14 years old.

    Apr 20, 12:02 PM
    Finally a Mac rumor instead of all those iDevice rumors!

    what's the first letter in imac?

    An all-in-one computer is just another consumer device. Bring on the Mac Pros

    Aug 31, 12:20 PM

    What about this ? :)

    Makes me hope that they bring back three levels:

    $499 Core Duo 1.66, 60/80GB HD, Combo drive
    $599 1.66, 100GB HD, Super Drive
    $699 1.83, 100GB/120GB, Super Drive

    Oct 5, 08:24 PM
    Congrats, keep the bigadv coming!

    Mar 19, 04:50 PM
    I will accept this 'protection'.

    Most of the players in this drama do not directly gain anything from Libyan oil.

    The direct gain is to stop the price of oil from rising.

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